Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN)

Issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) is a six-digit number assigned to individual taxpayers to help prevent the misuse of their Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) on fraudulent federal income tax returns. The IP PIN is only used on federal tax Forms 1040, 1040-SR, 1040-NR and 1040-PR/SS.

The IP PIN serves as a form of authentication to validate the correct owner of the Social Security Number or ITIN listed on applicable tax returns. Only validated tax returns are accepted for e-filing or paper filing. If an IP PIN is entered incorrectly on a return to be e-filed, it will be rejected until the correct IP PIN is entered. Processing of paper filed returns for IP PINs entered incorrectly or omitted will be delayed until the IRS validates the information.

An IP PIN is valid for one calendar year and must be used on all returns filed during the calendar year for which it is issued. The IRS will send the taxpayer a new IP PIN by postal mail annually between mid-December through early January to use on tax returns to be filed in the upcoming tax filing season.


With the proper credentials, taxpayers can retrieve the IP PIN online using the Get an IP PIN online tool. If a taxpayer lacks the proper credentials to retrieve the IP PIN, they must call the IRS to pass an identity verification and the IRS will mail the IP PIN to the taxpayer’s address of record within 21 days.

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Effective year 2021, all taxpayers can voluntarily opt-in to the IP PIN program by using the Get an IP PIN tool at You will be required to verify your identity. Previously, the IP PIN program was primarily available to taxpayers who were confirmed victims of identity theft. The IP PIN should be kept in a safe place and not shared with other persons.

A taxpayer cannot opt-out once receiving an IP PIN. The IP PIN received each year must be used to confirm the taxpayer’s identity on all federal tax returns filed in the current and future years.